
people who make me love knitting stuff

July 3, 2007

Grumperina has put in to words, feelings of knitters the world over. I wish I could add more but I think she’s covered it. Deffo if you like kintting its a blog worth reading. I love grumperina’s designs, she has a talent most knitters wish to have. The ability to create something completely new and interesting.

yoyo knits knitted her own stockings for her wedding. Now that is what I call determination, and going far beyond service to the cause of knitting. I’m always impressed by her work.

faery crafty has been a god send when it comes to researching knitting patterns on the web. She has an almost complete set of links to all things knitterly. Also after spending some time reading her blog we have had a few heart to heart emails that have made me think I’ve gained another friend out there on the inter-ether.

Dominocat has been a long term friend and I’m always impressed at her achievements. Her latest shocked me a little but after I am in awe at how cool her new tattoo is and how she has been conquering her fears and still being able to get out and go to wool fest. Deeply jealous, I wanted to go but its too far for me.

Miss Alice Faye can do things with lace that I dream of. Where do all you knitters get the time? the ability and the sheer cleverness not to have to rip back 5 rows every 6.

the biggest stash of yarn I have EVER seen in my entire life.

There are many more on this list that I would like to add. They should all be listed down on the bottom right in my contacts but I am just way too lazy to update it. I have a feed from google for loads of knitting blogs one day I will hopefully give all you bloggers out there credit for filling my free time with wonderful blatherings.

One comment

  1. Awwww thank you 🙂 I am happy to have you as a new internet friend!

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